Dark Souls 3 Pc How to Read Message

Do not 'Try Jumping': a beginner's reference to Elden Ring letters

two elden dudes hanging out on a cliff
(Paradigm credit: FromSoftware)

As a veteran Souls-liker, I've only internalized the series' more baffling quirks. It tin be like shooting fish in a barrel to forget how truly weird and surprising some basic elements of these games are. One feature that tin be a sticking signal for some offset-time players is the messaging system.

Players can choose from a selection of templates and words to create little notes that show up on the ground in other gamers' worlds. The original intent seems to take been fostering cooperation, an in-game form of playground hint sharing and speculation. Messaging's real, time-honored office, however, is as a means to shitpost.

Over the years, players have uncovered countless ways to mislead, misdirect, and crevice wise with FromSoft's limited templates. My favorite has always been the messages of encouragement people left for environmental storytelling skeletons in Night Souls 2: "Don't surrender, skeleton!" and variations thereof proliferated throughout Drangleic.

For the uninitiated who are nevertheless jumping off cliffs and slashing walls at the bidding of strangers in Elden Ring, I've compiled some of the most common spoofs, goofs, and genuinely helpful messages I've seen.

"Endeavour jumping"

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jump attack acquired ahead

(Epitome credit: FromSoftware)

Epitome ii of ii

try jumping message

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

You well-nigh never want to endeavor jumping. If y'all see a message similar this earlier a precipitous drop, information technology'south gonna be a joke at your expense. You're going to fall to your death and somebody out there is gonna be laughing at y'all, figuratively speaking.

One helpful inkling that you're not at one of the rare locations where at that place is something hidden below a ledge is a massive pile of bloodstains nearby (that ways players have died hither recently). The message has timed out in the following screenshot, only you can see the bloodstains left by a host of credulous fools.

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

"Beware of breast" or "Liar alee"

The Souls serial has a proud tradition of mimics: monsters masquerading as treasure chests who frequently have the power to i hit kill you if you try to open them unawares. A single weapon strike volition typically reveal a mimic and let you fight it similar a normal enemy. I haven't encountered any yet in Elden Band, but keep an eye out for messages and bloodstains earlier chests.

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hidden path ahead

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

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hidden path ahead

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Much like inscrutable old NES RPGs, the Souls serial has long featured secret paths disguised equally normal sections of walls, able to be opened up with a swing of your weapon or a press of the action push. Y'all just need to know where to look.

I'm still but a few hours into Elden Band, simply I've yet to find one secret door for all the messages pointing them out. It'due south been a tradition among players for years to place false notices of hidden paths before suspicious-looking, but ultimately normal sections of walls, but Elden Ring players have really kicked information technology into overdrive.

Thankfully, Elden Ring has fully done away with the weapon degradation of prior games. The only price of checking a flagged wall is a pocket-sized amount of time and possibly a chip of dignity. As time goes on, you'll probably develop more than of a chapters for telling which hints laissez passer the sniff exam without checking.

"Be wary of strong foe"

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be wary of strong foe

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Paradigm ii of 2

weak foe ahead

(Paradigm credit: FromSoftware)

I've always establish you can trust warnings about difficult enemies. This i in particular clued me into an upcoming boss fight. Shout out to the guy correct next to him who'due south merely built unlike. "Weak foe ahead" indeed.

"Precious item alee"

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Near messages I've run into telling of treasure have also been true in my experience, but Elden Band has introduced a cheeky new message pranking tactic.

Letters at present glow white and slightly protrude off the ground, making them resemble items, especially while obscured or from a distance. So far I've just seen a few playful letters concealed behind crates—right where FromSoftware likes to hide items. I could see an enterprising jokester go the extra mile to fake an item behind traps, or in a roomful of unsafe enemies. In my book, this is absolutely a feature and not a bug.

"Try fingers but pigsty"

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try fingers but hole redux

(Paradigm credit: FromSoftware)

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try fingers but hole message

(Paradigm credit: FromSoftware)

A crass misuse of the messaging system with a homophone used to communicate a sexually explicit bulletin. This has no place in an uplifting, family-oriented experience like Elden Band.

Ted has been thinking about PC games and bothering anyone who would listen with his thoughts on them e'er since he booted upwardly his sister's copy of Neverwinter Nights on the family unit computer. He is obsessed with all things CRPG and CRPG-next, only has also covered esports, modding, and rare game collecting. When he'southward not playing or writing nearly games, you can notice Ted lifting weights on his back porch.


Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/do-not-try-jumping-a-beginners-reference-to-elden-ring-messages/

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